Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What I did over Spring Break

On Friday right before break officially began I had my family over we had pizza with us. While they came over and told us  they had won Yankees tickets again and asked my family if we wanted to go. On Saturday my brothers Matt and Nick went to see Fast and The Furious 7. Also on Friday we had taken my cousins bowling with my family. We each did very well at bowling my scores were a 139, 149, 157, and also a 150.
Also over spring break I was hanging out with my friends. While during spring break the park by my house was redone and they had added new equipment and made the park a whole lot better. I also played xbox with my family and friends. While on Xbox we were doing the GTA heist and all of a sudden random people started to get angry at me and my family and started saying mean messages to me and my friends and my family.  On wednesday we had went to a Yankees game with my uncle and the it was a very good game and that New York Yankees had won and held on to a very good team to get the win.
Bowling Website PBA Bowling
AMF Wallington Lanes Wallington Lanes
Yankees Yankees Tickets

Image result for xbox 360Image result for xbox 360 games

Image result for bowlingImage result for bowling

Image result for fast and furious 7

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