Tuesday, May 13, 2014

My Podcasting example

Click here for my video

Tech Article 5-16-14

My tech article is about Dr. Dre. selling his invention beats to the whole entire Apple industry. The Apple industry purchased beats from Dr. Dre 3 days ago for 3.2 billion dollars.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tech Article 5-9-14

My tech article is about the Xbox One being sold in China for the first time. China stated on Wednesday that they will allow the Xbox one to be sold there after they banned game consoles for 14 teen years.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What I did over the Spring break

 On Monday we had school because we had to make up a day of school so I decided not to come and stay home and to start to enjoy spring. Also on Monday my parents took a vacation which allowed me to stay home with my brothers for 3 whole days. On day one that my parents left to go on vacation we went bike riding and also play video games and even order pizza for dinner that night. On day 2 we went to the park, got chinese food and hung out with my friends.On day 3 I went with my friends to an indoor go karting place and also got burgers for lunch. On day 4 my parents came home and I also went bowling with my friends. On Friday I went to see Rio 2 with my two brothers.
    During spring break my family and I also work on the back yard. We also help cut down my neighbor tree. We were also looking at different car dealerships to get ideas on a 3rd car. Over the break to I got new shoes as an early gift for Easter. My family and I also went to the mall over the break to and my oldest brother got a new laptop. I also got a laptop that could be very helpful.

http://www.amf.com/home For Bowling alley website

Click here for link to go karting website

       click here for video   of go karting



Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tech Article 4-25-14

My tech article is  bout netflex rasing their prices by one or two dollars. Netflex hopes to raise the prices in the next couple of months or years. Click http://money.cnn.com/2014/04/21/technology/netflix-prices/index.htmlhere for more information regrading netflex pricing.  


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tech Article 4-11-14

My tech article is about a building in Philadephia that looks like tetris. This building is 100 feet tall building and also broke the record for the having a lot of lights which makes it look exactly like tetris.

Click here for the video.                          

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tech Article 4-4-14

My tech article is about T- moblie not selling  black berries in their store. T- moblie discontinued the black berries on April 25.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tech Article 3-28-14

Apple has recently said that they were going to bring back the Ipad 4 . Apple made the Ipad 4 better because you don't have exit to the home screen to search when you can just search things while using other apps.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Do Now 3-24-14

I have watched the news this weekend. I like watching the news because I want to know the weather and what is going on around the world. I also watched march madness because i love watching sports. The reason i watched the march madness because it seemed very interesting and seemed fun to watch. I really enjoyed watching march madness because you get to see players play their heart and soul on the court to impress NBA signing members.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Do Now 3-19-14

I think a presentation is a work that shows you your product. A presentaion is a speech written to sell a certain product or to advertise something for your companay. The things the make a presentation is the speech and what the presntation is advertising for a company.
Another thing that makes a presntation good is if good in length or good supporting details. What makes presentaion very good is what the company is trying to sell.

Tech Article

My tech Article is on Walmart accepting video games trade in. Walmart has just statred to take video games for a trade in which includes ps2 games, xbox 360, games,and whole lot others games and consoles. Wamart stated doing this on March 15,2014.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Do now 3-17-14

  If i had a chose to wear a cloak that good deeds i would do is help catch criminals. I would also go around town and helped the police find a person. I would also find out where people hide went they rob a bank and the police need him to find this person. I would also help comunity by giving everyone their things back.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tech Article

My tech article is abut the new mac book pro. This new mac book pro has an 13 inch screen. 
This new mac book pro basically beat outthe other macs because of it new sofwareand better HD.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Do Now 3-5-14

You can use spread sheet can be use in Math because it show you how to get an  average. You can use a spread sheet in Science because it teaches you how to do formulas. In English we truely need this because you can easily graph and also do assignments. In social Studies we don't use but we should start using spreadsheet because it shows the lattiude and longitude and the geography of the states and towns.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tech Article 3-7-14

My tech article is about the apple Tv. The Apple tv is a cloud player. You can use the apple tv to watch cool things such as net flex, and whole lot others. This was made in the year of 2006. The apple tv also has a 40 gb storage system. You can use the Apple Tv you can buy itunes movies and also Youtube on this device. You can also use it to watch tv shows or even movies without using a disk.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tech Article 2-28-14

My article is on the Xbox one. The Xbox one came out a couple of months and is still very popular. The Xbox one recently sold over 50 million consoles in the United States. The Xbox one took over the xbox 360 by adding more cooler things such as watching tv and playing games at the same time. <a

>Lhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Xbox one </

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Do now 2-25-14
. Copy right is a federal law work of ownership form someone else writing
. if you were to copy someone else work make sure to put it in quotes
. you can also change the other person words and use your own

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

`Tech Article

My tech article is about the Iphone 6. The Iphone 6 has a bigger screen than the other Iphone. The Iphone ^ is coming out in 2014. This new Iphone also has a bigger camera and better high defintion.